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Diamond Brooches

The Origin of the Diamond Brooch

The origin of the brooch dates back to Europe in the Bronze Age, as early as 1400 BC. Originally, brooches were functional items made from thorns used to fasten coats during the winter. However, as evolution has taken place, they have become fancier, leading up to the classy diamond brooch.


Where Can I Buy the Diamond Brooch?

RB Diamond Jewellers is the source. Proudly known as Nepal’s top leading diamond business, our state-of-the-art jewellery factory symbolises trust, pride, creativity, and quality all under one roof.

Alternatively, you can purchase the diamond brooch online.


Why You Should Choose RB Diamond Jewellers ?

We are committed to being the best at what we do. Here are a few things to prove this fact:

  •     Return Policy

Our friendly and flexible policy allows our customers to send the jewellery and invoice back to our Nepal factory for exchange or sale.

  •     Custom Orders

Your wish is our command. No matter how intricate your preferred design is, our team is willing and well-able to customise it to your liking.

  •     Six-Stage Quality Control

Quality checks at every level, from the initial stage of manufacturing to the final output in the form of a finished product, ensure that all our attempts pay off and enable us to live up to the expectations of our valued customers.

  •     Affordability

Since our products are sourced directly from the factory to our clients, markups by go-betweens are avoided, resulting in unbearably affordable prices.

  •     Accessibility

Running a virtual store means we are accessible across Australia, including Victoria, Tasmania, and Queensland. Worry not; you can easily purchase your diamond brooch online from our website.


We Want You to Shine

Do you want to make a statement without saying a word? Then the diamond brooch is what you need. RB Diamond Jewellers is committed to making you look good. Call us today, and let’s make the magic happen!